Organs of the Association

1. General Assembly
The highest organ of the Association is the General Assembly. Its participants are members.who have paid the membership fee for the previous year. Each member organisation must nominate is representative(s) to the General Assembly. The Association holds at least one General Assembly every year.

2. The Executive Board
The operation of the Association is managed by the executive board consisting of the President, the Vice President and three Board Members.
The General Assembly elects the President and the Vice President for two years and the other board members for unlimited time. However, they need the approval of the General Assembly for the next period every year or they can be dismissed if they prove to have been unable to fulfil their duties.

3. CMC-section
The CMC section is an entity comprised by CMC members, operating with a certain degree of autonomy within the framework of the Association. They elect a committee consisting of three members who are permanent participants in board meetings.
The CMC section: 
- unites and registers certified management consultants in Hungary and maintains contacts with them;
-  carries out the pre-selection of CMC candidates, organises their preparation and the CMC examinations;
-  determines and inspects the conditions of keeping the CMC membership;
-  promotes the public recognition of the CMC designation and represents the
The CMC section:
unites and registers certified management consultants in Hungary and maintains contacts with them;
carries out the pre-selection of CMC candidates, organises their preparation and the CMC examinations;

4. Membership Committee
The General Assembly elects a Membeship Committee consisting of three members who report to the General Assembly.
A Tagfelvételi Bizottság feladata a tagfelvételhez, és a tagsági viszony fenntartási követelményeinek ellenőrzéséhez kapcsolódó teendők ellátása.

5. Ethich Committee
The General Assembly elects the Ethich Committee consisting of three members for two years.
The Committee's functions members of the Committee concerning the investigation of ethical issues.